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Main » 2013 » October » 8 » Towards the Formation of a ‘Asian Solidarity Group’
4:02 AM
Towards the Formation of a ‘Asian Solidarity Group’
A rationalist attitude seems to Online Casinos for Australian Players - Euro Slots No Deposit Bonus usually combined with a basically equalitarian and humanitarian outlook; irrationalism, on the other hand, exhibits in most cases at least some of the anti-equalitarian tendencies described, even though it may often be associated with humanitarianism also. The attitude I am attacking can unload be illustrated by the following passage which I take from A. Casinos for Players from Australia - No Deposit Bonus Slots Oasis more important even than to realize the technique of the word-magic which the passage uses is to ask whether what it says is true. But he only shows that he is incapable Pokie Magic Slots appreciating the moral forces inherent in modern science. This kind of Christianity which recommends the creation of myth as a substitute for Christian responsibility is a tribal Christianity. Marx was right in insisting that increased Online Casinos for Australian Players - No Deposit Bonus Mac is the only reasonable hope of humanizing labour, and of further shortening the labour day. It is a Christianity that refuses to carry the cross of being human. And the return to the closed society which Pokie Venues In Yarrawonga Casinos for Players from Australia - No Deposit Bingo Free Bonus is the return to the cage, and to the beasts. It is analogous also to that of the socio-analyst who points out that the total ideologies of his opponents prevent them from accepting the Free Pokies for Mac of knowledge. Keller; a passage that seems to me a typical expression of this romantic hostility towards science : We seem to be entering upon a new era where the human soul is regaining its mystical and religious faculties, and protesting, by inventing new myths, against the materialization and mechanization of life. It is the adventure of men who have lost all security and are embarking on dreams instead of concrete facts. This method, as I admitted before, is good fun for Casinos for Players from Australia - No Deposit Bonus Bingo Games who practise it. But we Pokies - New Games see here more clearly that it must lead to the irrational division of men into those who are near to us and those who are far from us unload . (Besides, I do not think that the mind unload suffers when it has to serve humanity as a technician; Download 50 Lions Pokie Machine suspect that often unload the technicians, including the great inventors and the great scientists, rather enjoyed it, and 5 Gold Dragons Pokie Machine - Download Free they were just as unload as the mystics.) And who believes that the command and leadership of dreams, as dreamt by our contemporary prophets, dreamers, and leaders, are really unload as wise and reliable as intellectual wisdom and scientific programmes ? But we need only turn to the myth of revolution, etc., in order to see more clearly what we are facing here. But I believe that the only attitude which I can consider to unload morally right is one which recognizes that we owe unload to other men to treat them and ourselves as rational. The intellectualist who finds our rationalism much too commonplace for his taste, and who looks out for the latest esoteric intellectual fashion, which he discovers in the admiration of medieval mysticism, is not, one fears, doing his duty by his fellow men. Considered in this way, my counter-attack upon irrationalism is a moral attack.
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